I am an internasional student doing my master degree. I have always loved pets, especially cats. I have my own three cats in my country, which used to be stray cats, but now they have better life. But for 2 years I will not see them and so life without cats would be very sad for me.
Last two years I travelled to different countries and become a volunteer in cats and dogs shelters. I took care of them and also took some cats with different diseases for short and long terms to my place in order to treat them (all of them recovered very quickly).
That is why i also can do injections and give pills to pets, if needed.
And of course I clean litter every time cat uses it, give food on time and in moderate portions to avoid obesity, and change water 2 times a day. Now I live in student's residance, where pets are allowed.
My appartment is big enough (30m2) and I don't have any plants. I live with my boyfriend there, he also likes cats. On weekends i am at home, live only to go to shop, so i can stay with pet almost 24/7. During weekdays, I live home for 3 hours before lunch (from 9 to 12) and after (from 14 to 17), so I can provide care during the whole night and most time of the day. Cat can play and sleep anywhere he/she wishes.
I would be glad to take care of your cat as good as I can! It would be geat to take care of a vaccinated cat, but it could be discussed (as i dont have any pet at my appartment). Sterilised cats only🙌.
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Note : Toutes les heures sont basées sur le fuseau horaire du gardien.
Elina a gentiment accepté de nous dépanner au dernier moment, encore une super garde !
Parfait 😇!