Ela Irmak
Pet-Sitter/Pet-Walker à Nice
A propos de Ela Irmak
Hello, my name is Ela! I am 21 years old. I am Turkish. I speak Turkish, English, French and a little Italian. I study management and economics at University of Bologna but right now I am here in Nice for Erasmus. I love animals! I have taken care of my friends dogs when they were away. Last year, me and my brother adopted two stray cats when we found them inside his car's engine part :D Their name's are Olive and Delight. And in Turkey there is cats and dogs everywhere, and we all take care of them in certain ways. I love spending time with them. I would love to take your pet for a walk, make house visits and look after them when you are away. I'm eager to take care of your pet and spend a lovely time with them. Looking forward to meet you! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Ela Irmak propose ...
Au domicile de Ela Irmak
À votre domicile
Promenade chien
Le gardien viendra chercher votre chien à votre domicile et le promènera pendant au moins 30 minutesà partir de 13 € /promenade, 5 € /Animal supplémentaireUne visite à domicile par jour
Réservez un gardien qui rendra visite à votre animal chez vous afin de le nourrir et jouer avec lui à partir de 11 € /jourDeux visites à domicile par jour
Deux visites à domicile par jourà partir de 18 € /jourGardiennage de maison
Le gardien logera à votre domicile pendant votre abscenceà partir de 30 € /nuitPolitique d'annulation
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