Hello, I'm 21 years old and I love pets; I don't have any yet (cause my appartement is a little small), but I grew up surrended by them 😌.
I started petsitting almost two years ago, walking and playing with the dogs, visiting the cats at home, playing a little, cleaning the litter and giving them food and water...
Petsitting, for me, is a wonderful thing; I get to meet lovely pets, each and one different, and to spend time, make memories, and take care of them, which is the most beautiful things I could wish for ^^
Since my beginning, I've had little and medium dogs such as spitz, cocker, cockapoo, teckel, english bulldog and shiba...
And even big dogs, like golden retriever... So I'm not scared of big dogs 😂
And as for the cats, it was my aunt's and cousin's ones (I don't remember the race, but they're both orange males cats), and a turc angora I think 😌
Haha, that was a pretty long introduction...
But basically, you can contact me to do walks (from 30 min, to 2h), or visits your pets (cleaning litter, give them food, water & cuddles...), take care of them at the house ( 1 or 2 hours for the visits, and more for house petsitting)...
I'm available mostly the morning and the evening but I can manage afternoon walks and visits
If you have more questions, feel free to contact me anytime 🤗
Hope I'll get to meet your little treasures soon 🤗!
P.S.: Can speak french and english 😉
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Note : Toutes les heures sont basées sur le fuseau horaire du gardien.